Monoethylene glycol

Other names: Monoethylene glycol, Ethylene diol

CAS No.: 107-21-1

EC No.: 203-473-3

REACH No.: 01-2119456816-28-xxxx

Chemical formula: C2H6O2

Physical appearance: Colorless liquid of low viscosity

ADR: not subject to transport regulations

Odor: Odorless

Melting/freezing point: -13°C

Relative density: 1.113 kg/m3 at 20°C


Monoethylene glycol, commonly known as ethylene glycol, is a colorless, viscous liquid with a sweet taste that is widely used in various industries. It is an organic chemical compound that is widely used, primarily as a component of coolants for car engines, and also as a solvent in the chemical industry. Ethylene glycol is also used in the production of polyester fibers, resins, paints, varnishes, and in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. However, ethylene glycol can be toxic to humans and animals, so caution should be exercised in its use and storage.

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