Citric acid anhydrous

Other names: 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid

CAS No.: 77-92-9

EC No.: 201-069-1

REACH No.: 01-2119457026-42-xxxx

Chemical formula: C6H8O7

Physical form: White crystalline solid

ADR: –

Odor: Odorless

Melting/freezing point: 153°C (1013 hPa)

Relative density: 1.665 g/cm3 (20°C)


Anhydrous citric acid is an organic chemical compound with acidic properties that occurs in the form of white crystals or powder. It is a colorless substance with a characteristic, mildly sour taste and smell. Anhydrous citric acid is commonly used as a preservative, acidity regulator and flavor additive in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. It is also used as an ingredient in some cleaning products, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of drugs. Its versatile properties make it a popular and important ingredient for many industries.

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