Tartaric acid

Other names: ethanedioic acid, 2,3-dioxosuccinic acid

CAS No.: 87-69-4

EC No.: 201-766-0

REACH No.: 01-2119537204-47-xxxx

Chemical formula: C4H6O6

Physical form: Colorless crystals

ADR: –

Odor: Odorless

Melting/freezing point: 168-170°C

Relative density: 1.76 g/cm3 (20°C)

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Tartaric acid (CH3COOH), also known as ethanedioic acid, is an organic chemical compound. It is a colorless, crystalline solid with a characteristic, mild grape flavor. Tartaric acid occurs naturally in many fruits, especially grapes, and is widely used as a food additive, acidity regulator, and preservative. It is also used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and alcoholic beverage industries. Its versatile properties make it a popular ingredient in many food and cosmetic products.

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